Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Part A

Recently in November, Microsoft announced that they will experiment with selling marketers the right to place ads in Windows 7 themes on users' desktops (Johnston, 2009). Many people have PC's and with those PC's come internet connections that lead to people seeing and sometimes even hearing ads being played in the background of websites/blogs. Thus, with this recent announcement of ad placing on PC desktops, many over-the-top companies are saying that they are willing to spend huge amounts of money in order for their products to be displayed.

Online ads offer many advantages to both the people on their desktop and the companies displaying their information. For example, some advantages for the companies could be: making more money, gaining more reputation, and also taking out their rival companies with ads placing things made by their company as less than the others. The advantages for the people with the desktops could be: finding something they had forgetten they needed to get and also seeing more companies' ads would open their eyes to more places to get goods.

However, smaller companies are worried that the ads being displayed on Windows themes are for only large scale business such as Ducati, Infiniti, Porsche and Twentieth Century Fox (Johnston, 2009). Many of these smaller companies would like to have a share in the ads but they are held back with their amount of gross income they receive. Also, people that own PC are becomming agitated that more ads are going to be displayed on Windows 7 themes because the internet already does enough advertising. People want to see ads here and there, not every time they go to turn on their computer.

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