Friday, January 22, 2010

Part B

IT Background of the Issue

The ever ongoing battle between IT companies and pro-earth people has led to many articles and experiments to be conducted which focus primarily on the amount of energy used by said IT systems and equipment. Many people want to see just how much energy video game consoles use up and when they see the figures they are shocked. “If you leave your Xbox 360 or Sony Play Station 3 on all the time, you can cut your electric bill by as much as $100 a year simply by turning it off when you are finished playing,” said NRDC Senior Scientist Noah Horowitz (Powers, 2009). Thus there have been many articles written trying to urge the general people that are into gaming to cut the amount of time that they game to the amount of time that they game and no more.

However, the gaming companies see it otherwise. A report recently conducted by the National Resources Defense Council said, "These these systems use nearly the same amount of power when you are playing them as they do when you leave them on and walk away. With more efficient devices and by utilizing existing power-saving features, consumers could save more than $1 billion a year on utility bills and reduce as much global warming pollution per year as the tailpipe emissions from all the cars in San Jose" (Clark, 2009). The recent developements in scientific advancement allows scientists to prove the claims that video games are bad for the environment but they should not get as much bad reputation as they do for there are many other IT equipment, such as computers, cars, stadiums, that use far more energy than video game consoles do.

Diagram 1: Energy amounts used by consoles
The diagram chart above represents the amount of energy used by every popular console. Many charts like these have been made through scientist's research that try to prove that video games and video game consoles are bad.

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