Friday, January 22, 2010

Part A

Presentation of the Issue

Recently in the news there has been data shown that claims that video game consoles are using far too much energy. Even When Idle, Gaming Consoles Cost Consumers More than $1 Billion Worth of Wasted Energy (Powers, 2009). For many who believe in saving and protecting the Earth's valuable resources, video games and video game consoles are downright "energy hogs" (Lowe, 2009). Many people like to see the Earth's resources being saved and used efficiently and in their eyes video game consoles use too much than there is to go around. However, there are also many gaming companies that believe video games are solely made for fun and do not see the negative side of the argument for they are very keen at denying the scientific evidence proving that, "Video game consoles nationwide use about as much electricity in a year as every home in San Diego combined" (Powers, 2009). So, based on this article there are clearly two problems associated with it: one being ethical and one social. The social problem falls along the lines of whether or not video game consoles should be continued and if so, then what ones? Whereas the ethical issue at hand focuses more on whether or not video games are good or bad for the environment. From these articles we are able to see that the area of impact that will be addressed in this portfolio will be Science and the Environment.

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