Friday, November 20, 2009

Portfolio topic check

1. Does the topic relate to ITGS? Explain how!
Yes, this topic does relate to ITGS because Microsoft officials said that they will experiment with selling marketers the right to place ads in Windows 7 themes on users' desktops. This means that those marketers will sell their brands and products using two of Microsoft's (NASDAQ: MSFT) graphical customization capabilities in Windows 7 and Internet Explorer.

2. Is the area of impact one that has not been addressed in a previous portfolio piece? Which area of impact have you already done? Which area of impact does this piece fit?
Yes, the area of impact is one that has not been addressed in a previous portflio piece. I have already done the politics and government and health areas of impact. However, this portfolio piece fits in with business and employment.

3. Was the news item published no more than six months before you started the course (you started September 2008)? What is the publication date of the article?
Yes the news item was published no more than six months before I started the course. The publication date of the article was November 13, 2009.

4. Does the article raise one or more social or ethical issues related to an IT system? State clearly the social or ethical issue.
Yes this article raises one or more social oor ethical issues related to an IT system because with Microsoft having the ability to choose which marketers will display what info on each theme then that allows Microsoft the potential power to disregard some companies and only allow others in which violates the equality between each future marketer. Also, with businesses displaying ads on Microsoft themes, that makes the possibility of actual store businesses losing money a reality because the ads on the themes will probably be displaying ads for businesses that are online and not in an actual building.

5. Is the problem clear? Explain the problem.
Yes, the problem is clear. Microsoft wants the ability to have potential marketers place ads on their themes but the question is for how much and how often will they be able to fo it for.

6. Can you think of two viable solutions? Briefly state the possible solutions.
Yes, I can think of two variable solutions. One is if Microsoft does allow marketers to place ads on their themes then they should make the price of placing said ad universal no matter who the business is. Second, if Microsoft will allow every marketer that has placed an ad on a theme the same amount of time then the potential problem of playing favorites will be taken away.

7. Do you have access to a range of resources on this topic? Name three possible resources to research this topic.
Yes, I do have a range of resources on this topic. On possible place for potential information is, a second potential source for information is, and the third possible source for information of this IT topic is

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