Friday, October 23, 2009

Follow up FBI questions

Discuss three advantages the biometric database provides the FBI. Evaluate these advantages.
- How you walk
- Speech Pattern
- Facial Features
- Iris
- Ear lobe
- Finger Print
- Typing/keystrokes
- Hand geometry

1. Speed: A computer can compare data much faster than a human; this potentially allows for the capture of criminals much sooner
2. Accessibility: 900,000 law enforcers now have the ability to search FBI database easier than before when people would have to
3. Accuracy: A computer can compare data much more efficiently and accurately rather than a human can; computers have no bias, opinion, or emotion; this potentially allows for the capture or criminals rather than civilians
4. Capacity: computers can store far more data and can access data across the networks
5. Thoroughness: access data from all over the world than it will be much faster/easier to catch a criminal

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